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CO2 laser treatment

This is a CO2 resurfacing laser treatment of a tummy tuck scar. This may require multiple treatments to fade over time.
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J-Plasma of arms

Quick J-Plasma skin tightening of arms can be done during an AWAKE procedure. Full liposuction of arms with J-Plasma took about 1 hour.
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J-Plasma skin tightening to abdomen

This is J-Plasma Skin Tightening to the abdomen. It is a very popular add-on procedure to help skin tighten and contract. Over time more collagen is formed within the skin to improve texture and elasticity.
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BioTe bioidentical pellet hormone insertion

#drbbl #drbalgobin #minnesota #hormones
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Dr. Balgobin on @loriamedical podcast talking about Penile enhancement

Dr. Loria is the pioneer and inventor of the permanent Penile Enhancement procedure that he has used safely for over the last 13 years.
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Episode 1| Doctor Balgobin Discussing Penile Enhancement

Dr. Loria is the pioneer and inventor of the permanent Penile Enhancement procedure that he has used safely for over the last 13 years.
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Episode 2| Dr. Bbl discusses Silhouette Permafill with Dr. Loria

Dr. BBL discusses Silhouette Permafill with Dr. Loria. Permafill is a patented product used in over 30 countries. It has been developed and used safe
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Permanent dermal filler for hip dips/ buttock and penile girth enhancement.

Permanent dermal filler for hip dips/ buttock and penile girth enhancement.
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BBL and hip dip touch-up procedure using patented, permanent dermal filler. #bbl #hipdips

BBL and hip dip touch-up procedure using patented, permanent dermal filler. #bbl #hipdips
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Permanent Non-Surgical Girth Enhancement

permanent non-surgical girth enhancement
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BBL touch up procedure using patented permanent dermal filler

This BBL touch up procedure uses a patented, permanent dermal filler to build collagen in the areas injected. Areas can be injected, including the hip dips, buttock and areas of cellulite. #hipdips #bbl #permanent #dermalfiller #bbltouchup #minneapolis #miami #drbbl
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Interview w/patient after his permanent ?? girth enhancement procedure in Minneapolis by Dr. Balgob

Welcome to Dr. Balgobin's YouTube channel, where we discuss the revolutionary permanent male girth enhancement procedure! If you're looking for a safe and effective way to enhance your confidence and satisfaction, you've come to the right place.
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Tirzepatide as a tool to help with her life long struggle with obesity. #tirzepatide

Tirzepatide as a tool to help with her life long struggle with obesity. #tirzepatide
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Submitting a consultation

Wondering how you can get your consultation with @dr.bbl? Submit your consultation form at and our team will reach out to you within 24-48 hours to get you on the schedule! Complete your consultation form: ° Burnsville, Minnesota [email protected] :952-435-0605 #drbbl #doctorbalgobin #arijaiaesthetics #arijaiaesthetic #arijaiacademy #surgicalconsultation #permafill #weightlossconsultation #mnmedspa #burnsvillemn
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Cosmetic Procedures for Med & Women with Cheap Suits Podcasts

(Part 2) Dr. BBL joins Cheaps Suits Podcast in San Antonio for episode 348 as they get into the various types of body enhancements/ cosmetic procedures, building that confidence and much more. Available now via Apple Podcasts & Spotify.
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Male Enhancement Discussion with Cheap Suits Podcast

Male Enhancement Discussion with Cheap Suits Podcast
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Nonsurgical Butt Enhancement by Dr. BBL

Behind the scenes of a nonsurgical buttock enhancement
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Nonsurgical BBL by Dr. BBL

Permafill Hip/Buttock Enhancement Results This beauty has had multiple rounds and is absolutely loving her enhanced shape and curves. Today, we’re adding 600cc, with more to come for the hips in a future session!
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Butt Filler (Permafill Procedure) with Dr. BBL

When you say you have a ‘doctor’s appointment’ but forget to mention it’s for the buttocks If you have not had a consultation yet, fill out a form on our website and our staff will contact you within 1-2 business days to schedule your virtual or in-person consultation.
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Permafill Hip & Buttock Enhancement by Dr. BBL

No one does it like Dr. BBL.
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Hip Filler by Dr. BBL - What You Need To Know

Get the curves you’ve always wanted! Permafill Hip Enhancement is perfect for adding balance, width, and projection to your hips—giving you that smooth, sculpted silhouette. To get started fill out a consultation form on our website and our staff will contact you within 1-2 business days to schedule your virtual or in-person consultation.
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